Simulate - Basic Features

Pool Selection

Before diving into the analytics of a specific pool, you'll need to make a selection from the available pools to simulate.

Select Exchange:

  • This function enables you to choose the decentralized exchange (DEX) on which you aim to simulate liquidity pools.

Select Network:

  • This function allows you to specify the blockchain network you're interested in. Different networks may offer unique liquidity pools and have varying transaction fees and speeds, influencing your decision on where to place your liquidity.

Select Pair:

  • Here, you input the specific assets you're considering for a liquidity position.

Select Fee Tier:

  • This display provides a snapshot of where liquidity is currently concentrated within the selected pools, offering insights into the distribution of investments.

Pool Information

Upon selecting a pair to simulate, pool information is prominently displayed at the top of the page, providing immediate insights into the chosen liquidity pool.

Asset 1 & Asset 2:

  • These represent the chosen assets of your liquidity pool, with Asset 1 serving as the BASE asset and Asset 2 as the QUOTE asset. This distinction follows the conventional BASE/QUOTE pricing format.


  • A convenient tool designed to swiftly interchange Asset 1 with Asset 2. A simple click on the Flip button instantly switches the positions of Asset 1 and Asset 2.

Exchange, Network, and Fee Tier:

  • This section provides you with critical details about your selected pool, ensuring you're fully informed about the exchange, the network it operates on, and the applicable fee tier.

Info Page:

  • A hyperlink to the pool's detailed information page directly on the DEX's website. This feature aims to provide you with a deeper understanding of your pool's dynamics.

Pool Analytics

Adjusting your calculation range influences the pool analytics, as a higher or lower range incorporates varying amounts of data into the analysis.

Fees / TVL

  • The fee to TVL ratio is calculated by dividing the average daily fees by the total TVL (Total Value Locked) in the pool, offering a perspective on how fees stand in relation to the pool's total value.

Price Volatility

  • The daily price volatility ratio is determined by taking the average spread between daily highs and lows, then dividing this by the average high, highlighting the price fluctuation within the pool on a daily basis.

Average Volume

  • This details the average daily volume of transactions within the liquidity pool over your specified calculation range, providing a measure of the pool's trading activity.

Volume / TVL

  • The volume to TVL ratio is calculated by dividing the average daily volume by the total TVL (Total Value Locked) in the pool, offering a perspective on how volume stands in relation to the pool's total value.


  • This risk indicator provides an assessment of the liquidity pool's risk through a straightforward algorithm that considers factors like Pool TVL, Pool Volume, Price Volatility, Token TVL, and Token Pool Count. It's important to conduct your own thorough research and not solely depend on this indicator.

Average Fees

  • This details the average daily fees of transactions within the liquidity pool over your specified calculation range, providing a measure of the pool's overall revenue.

Current TVL

  • This displays the current Total Value Locked (TVL) of the liquidity pool, reflecting the overall value invested in the pool at the present moment.

Last updated